Collegium Ramazzini

Founded in 1982, Collegium Ramazzini is an independent, international academy with 180 invited members from more than 30 countries. Its members are internationally renowned experts in the fields of occupational and environmental health, including
Dr. Joseph Graziano,
Dr. David Eastmond
Dr. David Ozonoff,
Dr. T.K. Joshi,
Dr. Mohamed Jeebhay,
Dr. Giuliano Franco.
It was named after sixteenth-century Italian physician Bernardino Ramazzini and was founded by Irving Selikoff, and other eminent scientists in 1982. The mission of the Collegium Ramazzini is to advance the study of occupational and environmental health issues. Through its members and activities, it seeks to bridge scientific discovery and the socio-political centers that will need to act on these discoveries and advances in the area of health and safety.

Seminars and honoraria

One main purpose of the Collegium is to host conferences, symposia and seminars that introduce scientific, medical and governmental bodies to various issues and research in the area of health and safety. The 2011 seminar was held in Carpi, Italy.
In 2012, the symposium was held in Montevideo, Uruguay from March 22–24. The conference was jointly organized by the Collegium Ramazzini and the Universidad Republica Oriental de Uruguay. The seminar was dedicated to Dr. Jenny Pronczuk De Garbino, Fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini and expert in childhood diseases.


In addition to meetings and publications, the Collegium makes a number of merit awards.
Ramazzini Award
The Collegium annually gives the Ramazzini Award instituted in 1984 to "scientists deemed by the Collegium to have made outstanding contributions to furthering the aims of Bernardino Ramazzini in safeguarding public health".
Irving J. Selikoff Award and Lecture
The Collegium Ramazzini awards the Irving J. Selikoff Award and Lecture honoraria to "an internationally recognized scientist or humanist whose studies and achievements have contributed to the protection of workers' health and the environment".
Prize winners to date have been:
The Collegium Ramazzani has functioned as an initial publication source for many scientific papers later re-published in additional peer reviewed journals.
The Collegium Ramazzani has also published editorials through its Presidents and collectively in peer-reviewed scientific journals including calls for an international ban on asbestos in
2010 and