Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna

The Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna is a Regional fisheries management organisation and International Organization with the purpose of managing the stocks of the critically endangered Southern bluefin tuna.
The secretariat is housed in Canberra, Australia. CCSBT was established by International treaty signed in Canberra on 10 May 1993 by Australia, Japan, and New Zealand, with the commission commencing a year later. Over the years additional nations have joined.

Member States

Members are of three types: members, extended commission, and co-operation non-members:

20 May 1994memberHost nation
20 May 1994member
20 May 1994membermain user of BFT
17 October 2001member
8 April 2008member
30 August 2002extended commission
2 August 2004cooperating non-Member
24 August 2006member
13 October 2006extended commission