Communist Party of Greece (Marxist–Leninist)

The Communist Party of Greece , ΚΚΕ, Kommounistiko Komma Elladas , '''KKE, is a Maoist communist political party in Greece.


KKE was founded in November 1976 by the majority of the Organisation of Marxists-Leninists of Greece, itself a splinter group of the Communist Party of Greece since 1964. The minority became the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Greece. Despite further subsequent splits and the creation of smaller groupings, the two parties, KKE and M-L KKE, have remained the major representatives of Maoism in Greece to this day. The student wing of KKE was the Progressive All-Student Unionist Camp, which was "less popular , but still important" at Greek universities at the time.
In October 1977, on the eve of the first death anniversary of Mao Zedong, KKE co-signed a declaration with the Communist Party of Germany/Marxists–Leninists, Communist Party of Spain, Communist Party of Italy and the Portuguese Communist Party. The declaration, which was published on the front page of the Albanian daily Zëri i Popullit, rejected the Three Worlds Theory.
KKE experienced a crisis in 1982 when the majority of its members left the party. This crisis was caused as a result of both international and national events. So the members that fighter that crisis created the new KKE
On 16 March 2012, spurred by the ongoing Greek financial crisis, M-L KKE and KKE announced that they would jointly contest elections as part of the Popular Resistance - Left Anti-Imperialist Cooperation, distancing themselves both from the traditional Communist Party of Greece and the leftist Syriza coalition. KKE and MLKKE contested the May 2012 legislative election under the slogan "Down with the Memorandum of Enslavement- The People don't owe anyone anything" and fielded 186 candidates across the country.
Historically, KKE has been most active and has supporters in Ioannina, Thessaloniki and northern Greece in general, in Crete, and the Aegean islands of Lesbos and Samos.

Election results


KKE publishes the biweekly newspaper, Proletariaki Simaia, founded in early 1967 as one of the newspapers of OMLE.