Communist Platform (Netherlands)

The Communist Platform is a Dutch orthodox Marxist political organisation, founded in 2014. The Platform publishes articles about topical and historical political events and developments from a marxist point of view. On top of that, the Platform organises reading groups and seminars on various subjects, and it translates marxist works to the Dutch language. Finally, the Platform intervenes in the Dutch labour movement, for example by publishing voting recommendations for congresses and leadership elections within the Dutch Socialist Party.


The Communist Platform labels itself as marxist. The Platform sees the labour movement as an arena for ideological struggle in which communists should fight for a marxist program. Because of this, the members of the Platform are active within the Socialist Party, the trade union, protest movements and other workers’ organisations. The Platform focuses primarily on influencing the SP through voting recommendations and writing articles to intervene in the internal party debates. On top of that, the Platform has written and proposes an alternative, marxist, program for the SP.
This program, named A Compass for the SP, according to the Communist Platform, is a return to the ‘fundamental struggle against capitalism’ as it was described in earlier SP programs. The program calls amongst other things for the establishment of a democratic republic, workers’ militias, an elected judicial system and the nationalisation of the economy and healthcare.
Ideologically, the Communist Platform is inspired by the party movements of the marxist parties of the 19th and early 20th century. Karl Kautsky is often heralded for his role in the forging of the SPD party movement and his influence on the Russian October Revolution. Kautsky is also heavily criticised by the Platform for his later role in the rightward turn of the SPD and his support for social democracy against marxism after the split in the Second International.
Democratisation of the labour movement is a spearhead of the Communist Platform. It sees democratisation as a precondition for a healthy labour movement and a truly communist society. For this reason, the Communist Platform puts a lot of emphasis on the importance of organised discussion and debate. They engage in polemics with other left-wing organisations to advance the movement as a whole ideologically through the clashing of ideas.
The organisation sees internationalism as a precondition for a viable alternative to capitalism. More concretely, it puts a lot of emphasis on a pan-European political approach and takes up calls for Communist Party of the European Union and a Democratic Republic of Europe.


The Communist Platform has ties with the Communist Party of Great-Britain. This is a successor to the disintegrated Communist Party of Great Britain. Members of the Communist Platform have visited the summer school of the CPGB in the past.