Confrontation (miniseries)

Confrontation or is a 1985 Soviet six-part television film directed by Semyon Aranovich based on the novel by Yulian Semyonov.


Two parallel storylines unfold in the film. One takes place in the late 1970s in the USSR and the other during the Great Patriotic War on the territory of Poland and Nazi Germany.
... A dismembered human corpse is found in the bushes near the road leading to the airport of Nardyn. Police colonel Vladislav Nikolaevich Kostenko comes from Moscow to investigate this heinous and unusual crime. Soon the taxi driver Grigoriy Milinko gets linked to the murder. But thanks to the investigation of the police major Kardava, assistant of Kostenko, it turns out that the real Grigoriy Milinko, Marine of the Red Army, was killed and dismembered in the area of Wrocław in 1945. Finger prints of "Milinko" found in Nardyme are sent to East Germany, where in the Berlin archive is found data on the real culprit.
This is Nikolai Ivanovich Krotov, a traitor who in the summer of 1941 defected to the German side. In an effort to prove his loyalty to the Nazis, he even carried by himself the wounded political leader George Kozel who was subsequently shot. He works as a provocateur. Due to his denunciations a large group of Soviet prisoners of war who have been trying to organize an underground resistance in the concentration camp is shot. Krotov gets released. German command sent him to the hospital where he successfully undergoes experimental treatment for stuttering. Then he trains in the special commando school Abwehr and then is flung into the rear areas of the USSR with special scouting and sabotage assignments. Soon the traitor tries to rob a German female jeweler with whom he resided and is sent to a concentration camp. After one year of imprisonment German Security Service send him to the secret and dirty assignment, all crimes of Krotov forgotten.
In 1945 as part of Vlasov's Army Krotov is involved in the defense of Breslau but then deserts. When he kills Grigoriy Milinko and steals his documents and military uniform, Krotov enters the ranks of the Red Army, and after the war goes to the northern regions of the USSR, to Nardyn, where finds a job as a taxi driver.
... Years pass. Krotov, knowing that sooner or later he will be exposed, is preparing to escape to the West. But the traitor is aiming to not run away empty-handed but bearing gold. Krotov finds an accomplice, Anna Petrova, part of an organization in charge of gold mines, and begins illegal prospecting. Later they kill a certain Michael Gonchakov, unsuccessfully trying to collect a huge gold nugget belonging to him and run away from Nardyn. Upon learning that Petrova is pregnant, Krotov does not hesitate to kill and dismember his former mistress. Then, with the help of relatives in Smolensk, the traitor robs a jewelry store. Now Krotov, having accumulated enough gold and jewels in his opinion, is ready for the last break to a foreign country...
But the police is on the track of the traitor and murderer. Kostenko and Kardava stalk Krotov in Adler. Realizing that he is surrounded on all sides, Krotov grabs a hostage and tries to hijack a plane. By only the courage and professionalism of the special forces group the savage criminal has been stopped and arrested...
