Congolese Socialist Youth Union

The Congolese Socialist Youth Union was the youth wing of the Congolese Party of Labour. From 1969 to 1992, it played a major role in disciplining youth party activists and building up their character with Marxist-Leninist ideas.
UJSC members were generally seen as the future leaders of their country. Benefits of membership in the UJSC included government-sponsored scholarships, and a guaranteed position in the civil service upon completion of higher education studies. Since the PCT at that time was essentially socialist, a vast majority of UJSC members studied at universities in the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Cuba. The UJSC lost prominence after the PCT lost power in the events of 1991-1992.
Several officials in the current administration of the Republic of the Congo were members of the UJSC. Its most famous leader was Gabriel Oba-Apounou.