Congressional Debate
Congressional Debate is a competitive interscholastic high school Debate event in the United States. The National Speech and Debate Association, National Catholic Forensic League and many state associations and national invitational tournaments offer Congressional Debate as an event. Each organization and tournament offers its own rules, although the National Forensic League has championed standardization since 2007, when it began to ask its districts to use one of a number of procedures for qualification to its National Tournament. The Pakistan Student Congress event is a conference, and not interscholastic competition.
In Congressional Debate, high school students emulate members of the United States Congress by debating pieces of legislation, including bills and resolutions. Before the event, each school submits mock legislation to each tournament. After the legislation has been compiled, it is distributed to each participating team. Each team attempts to research as many topics as possible, with the goal of being able to speak on both sides of every legislation.
Unlike other debate events, students drive the topics for discussion by drafting their own legislation for submission to tournaments. The bills and resolutions must be national in scope, and must either fall within jurisdiction for lawmaking by the United States Congress as a bill, or express a specific position and/or recommendation for further action outside of Congress' jurisdiction as a resolution. A popular type of resolution is to propose amendments to the United States Constitution, which requires action by state legislatures.Tournaments may review legislation submitted before sharing the overall docket with all participating schools. Contestants from each school should research and prepare arguments both in favor and against each legislation in the docket before arriving at the tournament. It is important that this happens.
Chambers and Sessions
Students attending each tournament are divided up into sections of 10-30. These individual rooms are called chambers, and sometimes labeled as a "House", or "Senate," depending on the region and the tournament.During each phase of a tournament, there is at least one round, often referred to as a "session." The National Speech and Debate Association defines a session as having:
- Ten minutes of time allocated for each student
- Election of a presiding officer
- New seating chart
- Resetting of precedence/recency
- New legislation that has not been debated in a previous session at that tournament
- The same contestants stay in one chamber, until the tournament advances to the next level of elimination.
Setting the Agenda
Rounds usually begin with a method for determining which bills will be debated and in which order, referred to as the docket. This most commonly happens with a nominated docket at the tournament, although some areas have a system of informal caucusing or highly organized committees, which convene to review legislation that has been subdivided by the tournament to address a specific topic area, such as is done in the National Catholic Forensic League. A common committee structure includes: "Public welfare", "Economics," and "Foreign Affairs."Speeches
Congressional Debate speeches last up to three minutes. The first speech on each legislation, known as the "authorship", goes to the person who wrote the legislation, or from the same school of the author. If nobody from the author's school is present, another debater gives a sponsorship speech, which is functionally identical to an authorship. This first speech is followed by a two-minute questioning period. One three-minute speech in opposition follows it, with another mandatory two minutes of questioning. After these initial speeches, debate alternates in favor and opposition to the legislation with three-minute speeches and one minute of questioning. Within each speech, contestants should develop two or three organized, logical arguments supported by credible evidence for why the chamber should vote for or against the given legislation. The general format of a speech is as follows:- Introduction: Usually, speeches begin with some sort of attention-getting device, such as a quotation or statistic. The introduction is tied to the central thesis of the speech, as the speaker urges the chamber to vote in support or opposition. Sometimes, the two or three main lines of argument are previewed to give the audience an idea of where the speech is leading; however, some criticize this practice as a waste of limited time.
- Contentions: Two or three arguments for or against the legislation. Each contention should be explained in the speaker's own words and supported by evidence from reputable and relevant sources.
- Conclusion: The speaker often restates his 2 or 3 contentions and returns to the attention-getting device from the introduction to give the speech thematic unity. Alternatively, conclusions can consist of merely 1 or 2 sentences, such as "For these reasons you must pass/defeat this bill/resolution/legislation."
Rules do not allow for "prefacing," where students formulate a statement or argument as part of their question; rather, they must simply ask a question, and only a question, however this rule may not be present at some tournaments.
The debate rules also provides for direct questioning, if the standing rules of the organization allow for it, where the speaker and questioner can engage in direct dialogue without moderation from the chair. This is done in 30- or 60-second blocks of time, allowing the questioner to engage the floor speaker to greater depth. This is used to sometimes build arguments that the questioner uses in a later speech, similar to cross-examination in other competitive debate events. At tournaments where this is practiced, the presiding officer is either required or strongly advised to keep a separate questioning priority, to ensure equal opportunity for questioners. Several tournaments have piloted this method since the National Speech and Debate Association suggested this as a result of discussions with its Congressional Debate Rules and Recommendations Committee in 2009.
Some leagues and tournaments still use a protocol where the balanced of unused speaking time is reserved for questioning, rather than having a specific period.
While some student questioners feel the need to ask if the speaker yields, this is unnecessary under procedure, because the standing rules of the organizations and tournaments provide specific parameters for questioning periods that already establish when questioning begins.
Procedure and Presiding Officers
While all Congressional Debate competition rely upon parliamentary procedure as practiced in Congress as the underpinning for how sessions are conducted, there may be slight variations in how the competition itself is run. Each chamber has a presiding officer or chair. At the beginning of each session, contestants in the chamber nominate candidates. Usually, each nominee gives a brief candidacy speech introducing themselves and stating their qualifications. Contestants then elect a presiding officer by majority via individual, secret balloting.The presiding officer's job is to facilitate fair, balanced, and efficient debate during the session in which they have been elected, primarily through recognition of speakers and questioners. At the end of many tournaments students in the chamber vote on which presiding officer was the best, and some tournaments have a separate means for judge recognition of presiding officers.
The most common duties of the presiding officer are:
- recognizing speakers
- recognizing contestants to ask questions of speakers
- recognizing contestants to move motions
- timing speeches
- conducting votes on motions, including legislation
- keeping order in the chamber
Speaker Recognition
Often, coaches will instruct students who preside to call on contestants for early speeches that they do not know, and/or who are less experienced. Additionally, since debate becomes more complex after more arguments have been introduced, later speakers bear a higher burden for clash and refutation.
In some areas, before precedence and recency are established, priority cards are distributed or numbers are designated to each student, giving the presiding officer a clear and objective directive as to whom to recognize. This has been criticized by longtime National Forensic League Congress Coordinator Harold Keller for entirely removing the dynamism of the activity from students' hands.
The National Forensic League's Table of Parliamentary Motions is in use by almost every organization that conducts Congressional Debate competition, including the National Catholic Forensic League. The motions are similar, if not usually identical to those used in Congress with a few exceptions, including the one-thirds second required to amend a motion or legislation, to prevent abuse of that protocol.The presiding officer never should call for motions; rather, contestants should rise and say "motion," and then that they move a specific motion.
Frequently Used Parliamentary Motions
The following motions are used at almost all Congressional Debate tournaments:- Widely recognized to be an unnecessary motion. The rule in Congress states that the floor is opened by the presiding officer, not by a motion coming from the chamber.
This requires a suspension of the rules.*
Main Motion
The term "main motion" refers to the primary question before the assembly; in Congressional Debate, this is the legislation as presented on the agenda, so it is never necessary for a contestant to specifically move the main motion. Main motions can be changed or affected by a variety of subsidiary motions.The following motions end debate on the pending main motion:
- Previous question.
- Lay on the Table.
- Recess
- Adjourn
After the previous question has been moved, the presiding officer calls for a vote on the legislation, and after counting votes, announces whether the ayes or noes have it, and the motion carries or is defeated. Note that "yay" and "nay" are archaic modes of voting expression that are no longer used in parliamentary parlance.It is commonplace for students to move a recess following voting.
Amendments are an important tool that can add nuance and perspective to debate on a particular issue, even though they are not practiced as often as they once were. To amend, a student will submit the amendment in writing to the head table. The presiding officer will first determine if the amendment is germane; or if it changes the original intent of the legislation, it is ruled dilatory. The author of the amendment then moves to amend, and if the presiding officer rules it germane, they read it aloud to the chamber and calls for a one-thirds second. If one-third of the chamber concurs to consider the amendment, the presiding officer then calls for a speech in support of the amendment. At most tournaments, the speech introducing or sponsoring the amendment is not guaranteed to its author, and in fact, it is common practice in some areas for a contestant to immediately move the previous question on the amendment. If that happens, it is not debated before the chamber passes or defeats the amendment. If the amendment passes, subsequent debate on the legislation must consider the legislation as amended.Judging
Judges either serve as a scorers or parliamentarians. Scorers judge individual sessions- Evaluate individual speeches, awarding speaker points
- Evaluate the presiding officer, awarding speaker points
- Holistically rank the judge's eight most preferred contestants, considering the presiding officer for inclusion or exclusion among those eight.
Evaluating Speeches
- Originality of Thought: advances debate rather than repeats previously stated ideas; refutes opposing arguments.
- Organization and Unity: cohesively links ideas.
- Evidence and Logic: cites credible sources, connecting to claims.
- Delivery: extemporaneous speaking vs. reciting a manuscript, seriousness of purpose, style and poise.
- Questioning: how well the debater defends her/his position and claims made.
Evaluating Presiding Officers
- Parliamentary Procedure: clearly explains protocols and procedures.
- Recognition: fairly and efficiently recognizes speakers and questioners, maintains appropriate speaker precedence and recency, and avoids "activity," "longest standing/standing time."
- Control: maintains decorum of delegates, and willing to rule motions out of order.
- Demeanor: fosters a respectful, professional, and collegial atmosphere.
- Communication: overall use of language, avoiding unnecessary verbiage.