Congressional Steel Caucus

The Congressional Steel Caucus is a caucus of the United States Congress.

House Steel Caucus

Founded in the early 1970s by Representatives John Murtha and Ralph Regula, this bi-partisan coalition promotes the health and stability of the domestic steel industry, as well as the interests of its workforce.
The House Steel Caucus is extremely active on Capitol Hill, frequently holding policy-forums, media briefings, and hearings regarding issues affecting domestic steel producers and their downstream counterparts.


, Chairman
Peter Visclosky, Vice-Chairman

Recent news


Todd Akin Jason Altmire Robert E. Andrews
Spencer Bachus Michael Bilirakis Rob Bishop
Sanford Bishop John Boehner Bradley Byrne
Leonard Boswell Bob Brady Bruce Braley
Dan Burton G.K. Butterfield John Conyers
Jerry Costello Elijah Cummings Artur Davis
Danny Davis Charlie Dent Rosa DeLauro
Sander Levin Jerry Lewis Dan Lipinski
Frank LoBiondo James Matheson Jim McGovern
George Miller Patrick Murphy Tim Murphy
Sue Myrick Frank Pallone, Jr. Ed Pastor
Joseph Pitts Todd Platts Nick Rahall
Charles Rangel Mike Ross Dutch Ruppersberger
Tim Ryan Bobby Scott Bill Shuster
Louise McIntosh Slaughter John Dingell Joe Donnelly
Michael F. Doyle Bob Filner Jeff Fortenberry
Jim Gerlach Bob Latta Sam Graves
Gene Green Ralph Hall Tim Holden
Jesse Jackson, Jr. Marcy Kaptur Dale Kildee

Senate Steel Caucus

A prominent Senate organization consisting of nearly three dozen members, the Caucus operates as a bi-partisan coalition advocating for domestic steel producers and workers. In addition to introducing legislation supporting the domestic steel community, members also routinely meet with Administration officials and WTO representatives to communicate the interests of American producers and labor groups.
