Constance Slaughter-Harvey

Constance Slaughter-Harvey is a Forest, Mississippi native that became the first black female judge in the state of Mississippi.


Slaughter-Harvey studied at Hawkins High School where she graduated valedictorian in 1963. She received her bachelor's degree in political science and economics from Tougaloo College with cum laude honors. She met civil rights activist Medgar Evers while she was in college and his assassination in 1963 influenced Slaughter-Harvey to pursue a law degree. After graduation, she enrolled at the University of Mississippi School of Law where she was the first African-American female to graduate in 1970.


Slaughter-Harvey was picked to serve as Scott County Court Judge in 1976 in a case involving a party previously represented byJudge Guyton Idom. This appointment made her the first female black judge in the state of Mississippi. She also served as a member of the Governor's Minority Advisory Committee and a Presidential Scholars Commissioner during the administration of President Jimmy Carter.