
Constructability is a project management technique to review construction processes from start to finish during pre-construction phase. It is to identify obstacles before a project is actually built to reduce or prevent errors, delays, and cost overruns.
CII defines constructability as “the optimal use of construction knowledge and experience in planning, design, procurement, and field operations to achieve overall project objectives”.
The term "constructability" defines the ease and efficiency with which structures can be built. The more constructible a structure is, the more economical it will be. Constructability is in part a reflection of the quality of the design documents; that is, if the design documents are difficult to understand and interpret, the project will be difficult to build.
The term refers to:
There are 12 principles of constructability which are mapped on to the procurement process:
  1. Integration
  2. Construction knowledge
  3. Team skills
  4. Corporate objectives
  5. Available resources
  6. External factors
  7. Programme
  8. Construction methodology
  9. Accessibility
  10. Specifications
  11. Construction innovation
  12. Feedback