
Consuegra is a municipality located in the province of Toledo, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. In 2009 the municipality had a population of 10,932 inhabitants. It is 80 km from Ciudad Real and 60 km from Toledo. Consuegra is located in La Mancha region, famous for its extensive dry plains, vineyards and historical constructions such as windmills.
The principal economy sector is agriculture. The industry is predominated by textile and wood. Tourism has become a new economical source in the 21st century. The castle and the windmills are Consuegra's most important monuments.
Most Spanish windmills, like those described in Miguel de Cervantes' early 17th century novel Don Quixote, can be found in the community of Castilla-La Mancha, in central Spain. The best examples of restored Spanish windmills may be found in Consuegra where several mills spike the hill just outside town, giving a view of the 12th-century castle and of the town.
Windmills are also located in Mota del Cuervo, Tomelloso, and Campo de Criptana.


The settlement dates back to pre-Roman times.
The Romans dammed the river Amarguillo upstream from Consuegra to regulate the water supply.
The castle was once a stronghold of the Knights of San Juan, the Spanish branch of the Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.

Main sights


Consuegra is famous due to its windmills. They became famous in the 17th century, when Don Quixote was first published. The introduction of the windmills was made by "Caballeros Sanjuanistas", who brought these machines that helped millers. These machines used the wind to grind grain. The windmills were transmitted from fathers to sons. They usually consisted of two rooms or levels. Millers had to carry sacks of grains that could weigh 60 or 70 kilos to the top floor, they rotated the sails of the windmill as the top part of the windmill or dome was movable. They stopped being used at the beginning of the 1980s.
Some of the most important parts of the windmill are:
All of them had names to differentiate one from another:
; Names in 1963
; Names today
There were 13 windmills originally, but 12 have been reconstructed.

Castle of Consuegra

The original fortress at the site was perhaps built by emperor Trajan, but historical records only recall that a fortress here was initially built by Almanzor. During the Reconquest, in times of Alfonso VIII to the Knights Hospitaller. In 1813 it was destroyed during the Peninsular War.
In 1962 the castle was ceded to the town hall and underwent a period of reconstruction. This received an impulse in 1985 with the creation of the School Workshop, whose activity continue today.

Town hall and major square

The town hall is in Renaissance style and it is located at the major square, called "Plaza de España". It was built on 1670. Joined to the townhall it is the "La torre del reloj". In this square is the building called "Los Corredores", which is a typical structure of La Mancha and which was an old townhall.


The crafts are a tradition of "consuegra" noted for its quality and variety. The raw materials with these products are created normally are autochthonous, and are mainly from that region.
In the city can be found workshops of classically designed items, in which there are elaborate doors, iems, and furniture for domestic use, such as chairs or bedrooms and two great workshops in stone.


The last October weekend includes the Rose of Saffron. This festival started in 1963. It is divided into several sections: the grain of wheat in Sancho's windmill, the choosing of a "Dulcinea" by the townsfolk, and a gastronomic competition. It was created in 1962 by D. Oscar Dignoes.
Some of its important celebrations are "San Antón", Easter or its own celebrations from 20–25 September, its more distinguish celebrations are "La Fiesta de La Rosa del Azafrán" and "Consuegra Medieval".


Its gastronomy is from “Machegos food or Toledo’s traditional food”, such as migas, gachas, and other types of food.