General Victoriano Huerta, who had usurped the presidency in a coup d'état in February 1913, resigned the office in July 1914 on account of revolutionary pressures and left the country. He was replaced by Venustiano Carranza, who wished to discuss his government's policies with the other revolutionary leaders. Thus Carranza called for the Convention to take place. However, faced with the absence of the Zapatistas and the refusal of Francisco Villa to attend a meeting in Mexico City, it was agreed to relocate the Convention to Aguascalientes.
The convention was intended to settle the differences between the "big four" warlords who played the biggest roles in overthrowing Huerta: Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Venustiano Carranza and Álvaro Obregón. A question that the various factions had to settle in advance of the convention was whether participants would only be revolutionary military men or could include civilians as well. Carranza had a large and strong civilian backing, and argued for their inclusion but lost. Tensions were already high between Carranza and Villa, his former ally. Although Zapata had not openly sided with Villa initially, he was hostile to Carranza, with Carranza returning the feeling. According to Charles C. Cumberland, "The southerners had never liked Carranza and his pretensions, and Carranza despised the Zapatistas as ignorant, narrow-minded troublemakers." From the onset, however, the Convention was dominated by the Villistas, who imposed their points of view on the other delegates. The supporters of Emiliano Zapata did not arrive until 26 October. When the Convention first met on October 10, 1914, it declared itself sovereign, which meant that it was a deliberative body, not a consultative one. Carranza rejected the notion of sovereignty and did not himself attend the convention or send representatives. Zapata had not yet arrived and the delegates made the decision to not conclude any major business until he and his advisers attended. Zapata arrived with an entourage of men with military titles, "but most of them in fact civilians who had never led troops in any form." There was a plan to merge revolutionary armies into a single military, which would have structurally taken the place of the Federal Army that ceased to exist with the fall of the Huerta regime. There was some support for this in theory, but the revolutionary armies had formed and fought under the command of particular leaders and so in the current circumstances it was impossible to implement. The convention elected General Eulalio Gutiérrez Ortiz as President of Republic for the limited term of 20 days. It appointed Villa commander of the Conventionalist Army, which then took up arms against Carranza's Constitutionalist Army. Due to the disagreements that Carranza had with Zapata and Villa, the three refused to attend the convention and little developed as a result. After the meeting, the newly reconciled Villa and Zapata entered Mexico City on 6 December, at the head of an army of 60,000 men. Carranza and his supporters consequently retreated to Veracruz. Subsequently, Zapata returned to his stronghold in Morelos, so that the alliance with Villa was largely in principle only.