
Coppelion is a Japanese seinen manga series written and illustrated by Tomonori Inoue. The story follows three high school girls who were genetically engineered to be impervious to radioactivity and sent to Tokyo after the city was contaminated by a nuclear accident. An anime adaption by GoHands aired from October 2, 2013 to December 25, 2013 in Japan with a simulcast airing on the same day in Asia on Animax Asia. Viz Media has licensed the anime for streaming and home video release in North America.


In 2016, a catastrophe occurs after a nuclear meltdown from the nearby Odaiba nuclear power plant contaminates Tokyo, forcing the government to order its citizens to evacuate. Twenty years later, Tokyo has become a ghost town due to the high levels of radiation which the government has banned entry for anyone. When a distress signal is received from Tokyo, the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force dispatches three teenage girls from the Dispatch 3rd Special Force Coppelion, who comprise the "Healthcare Team". Due to genetic engineering, the Coppelions are immune to radiation while also possessing special skills. Thus the Coppelions journey to the ruined capital to find survivors.




Coppelion began its serialization in Young Magazine from 2008 to May 7, 2012 before moving to Monthly Young Magazine. The series has currently been collected into twenty-two volumes by Kodansha. Coppelion Vol. 3 made it to the Oricon best seller chart at number 29 during the week of April 7, 2009. The manga is currently available in English as part of a subscription from Crunchyroll and Kodansha.
The manga's last chapter was drawn live in a free seminar at the Vantan Game Academy in Osaka, on November 22, 2015. It was published on February 20, 2016.


In September 2010, the 40th issue of Young Magazine announced that an anime television adaption of the manga was greenlighted, but due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, production of the anime was put on hold. The anime was later revived in 2013 and produced by Studio GoHands which aired from October 2, 2013 to December 25, 2013. The anime was also simulcasted aired in Asia on the same day as Japan by Animax Asia and licensed by Viz Media for North America on their online streaming service, Viz Anime, and also for home video release on 2014. Both the opening theme song "Angel" and the ending theme song "Tōku Made" are sung by angela. A second theme song, "Bye Bye All Right" by angela was used for the 13th episode.
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