
Coptodon is a genus of cichlids native to fresh, brackish and coastal marine waters in Africa with C. zillii also found in the Middle East. It is the only genus in the tribe Coptodonini. Formerly included in Tilapia, this genus and tribe was separated in 2013. Despite the change in genus, Coptodon are still referred to by the common name tilapia. Several species are important in local fisheries and a few are aquacultured.


Depending on the exact species, the maximum length of Coptodon ranges from ; the smallest is C. snyderae, which also is the smallest tilapia. Although the individual species typically have different non-breeding and breeding colors, the sexes are alike. Some of the species are very similar and difficult to distinguish from each other.


Unlike the well-known oreochromine tilapias that are mouthbrooders, Coptodon are substrate brooders. In most species, the parents excavate a "nest" in the bottom, ranging from a depression to actual tunnels, but a few species use surfaces of stones or sunken wood. The eggs are laid in the nest, and the eggs and fry are guarded by both parents.
Coptodon mostly feed on plant-material and detritus with smaller quantities of invertebrates, but in Lake Bermin and Lake Ejagham there has been a level of segregation among the species, including specialists that mostly feed on sponges, small fish or zooplankton.

Conservation status

C. rendalli and C. zillii have been introduced widely outside their native ranges and are considered invasive, but most remaining members of the genus have small ranges and many species are seriously threatened. Considered data deficient by the IUCN, the virtually unknown C. ismailiaensis may be synonym of the equally poorly known Oreochromis ismailiaensis, or the widespread and common C. zillii. Regardless, the only known habitat of C. ismailiaensis in Egypt appears to have disappeared entirely.


There are currently 31 recognized species in this genus: