Copycat produces answers to such problems as "abc is to abd as ijk is to what?". Hofstadter and Mitchell consider analogy making as the core of high-level cognition, or high-level perception, as Hofstadter calls it, basic to recognition and categorization. High-level perception emerges from the spreading activity of many independent processes, called codelets, running in parallel, competing or cooperating. They create and destroy temporary perceptual constructs, probabilistically trying out variations to eventually produce an answer. The codelets rely on an associative network, slipnet, built on pre-programmed concepts and their associations. The changing activation levels of the concepts make a conceptual overlap with neighboring concepts. Copycat's architecture is tripartite, consisting of a slipnet, a working area, and the coderack. The slipnet is a network composed of nodes, which represent permanent concepts, and weighted links, which are relations, between them. It differs from traditional semantic networks, since the effective weight associated with a particular link may vary through time according to the activation level of specific concepts. The codelets build structures in the working area and modify activations in the slipnet accordingly, and the current state of slipnet determines probabilistically which codelets must be run.
Copycat differs considerably in many respects from other cognitive architectures such as ACT-R, Soar, DUAL, Psi, or subsumption architectures. Copycat is Hofstadter's most popular model. Other models presented by Hofstadter et al. are similar in architecture, but different in the so-called microdomain, their application, e.g. Letter Spirit, etc. Since the 1995 book Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies describing the work of the Fluid Analogies Research Group book, work on Copycat-like models has continued: as of 2008 the latest models are Phaeaco, SeqSee, George, and Musicat. The architecture is known as the "FARGitecture" and current implementations use a variety of modern languages including C# and Java. A future FARG goal is to build a single generic FARGitecture software framework to facilitate experimentation.