Corby Bridge

Corby Bridge is a railway viaduct adjacent to and immediately east of Wetheral railway station at Wetheral, near Carlisle, in north-west England, begun in 1830 and completed in 1834. It is long and high, and has been Grade I listed since 1 April 1957.
Built for the Newcastle and Carlisle Railway Company, it still carries the double-track Tyne Valley Line over the River Eden, and includes a cast iron footpath connecting Wetheral with Great Corby. This was added to the north face in 1851, because so many people were trespassing on the trackbed, in order to cross. Initially, a half-penny toll, each way, was charged, having risen to a penny by the time the station closed in 1956. Pedestrian passage is now free.
The bridge has five spans faced with red sandstone from Newbiggin Quarry near Carlisle. and filled with sandstone rubble from Wetheral and
Corby Beck Quarries. It has two piers on either bank and two in the river.
The nearby Corby Bridge Inn, opened in the same year, was named for the viaduct. It closed early in 2015 after being sold to a property developer.
