For a more complete and detailed list, see her CV external link below.
Volker Schier, Corine Schleif, and Anne Simon, Pepper for Prayer: The Correspondence of the Birgittine Nun Katerina Lemmel, 1516–1525, Edition and Translation, Stockholm: Runica et Mediaevalia.
Corine Schleif, Adam Kraft's Seven Falls of Christ: Walking the History of Emotions in Nuremberg. Video version of a presentation given in Melbourne in November 2016 and
Corine Schleif, “The Art of Walking and Viewing: Christ, the Virgin, Saint Birgitta, and the Birgittines Processing through the Cloister,” in The Birgittine Experience: Papers from the Birgitta Conference in Stockholm 2011, ed. Claes Gejrot, Mia Akestam and Roger Anderson, Stockholm, 241-267.
Corine Schleif, "Albrecht Dürer between Agnes Frey and Willibald Pirckheimer," The Essential Dürer, ed. Larry Silver and Jeffrey Chipps Smith, Philadelphia, 85–205
Corine Schleif and Volker Schier, : Donation and Devotion, Art and Music, as Heard and Seen Through the Writings of a Birgittine Nun, University Park: Penn State Press.. Contains an English translation of the letters and other sources integrated with extensive narrative commentary. Reviews by Hans van Miegroet in Choice ; Roger Rosewell in ' 36 ; Jeffrey Chipps Smith in Renaissance Quarterly 63.2, 611-13; Stanley Weed in ' 2010-10; Megan Cassidy-Welch in Burlington Magazine 152, 746; Judith Oliver in Speculum 86, 546-48; Pia F. Cuneo in Mediaevistik: Internationale Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Mittelalterforschung 24, 586-89.
Volker Schier and Corine Schleif. "The Holy Lance as Late Twentieth-century Subcultural Icon." Subcultural Icons, edited by Keyan Tomaselli and David Scott. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 2009, 103–134.
Corine Schleif and Volker Schier, Katerina's Windows: Donation and Devotion, Art and Music, as Heard and Seen Through the Writings of a Birgittine Nun, University Park: Penn State Press, 2009, 237, 242-244,
Volker Schier and Corine Schleif. "Die heilige und die unheilige Lanze. Von Richard Wagner bis zum World Wide Web ." Die Heilige Lanze in Wien. Insignie - Reliquie - Schicksalsspeer, edited by Franz Kirchweger. Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2005, 111–144.
Corine Schleif, “Forgotten Roles of Women as Donors: Sister Katerina Lemmel’s Negotiated Exchanges in the Care for the Here and the Hereafter,” in Care for the Here and the Hereafter: Memoria, Art, and Ritual in the Middle Ages, ed. Truus van Bueren, Turnhout: Brepols, 137–54.
Corine Schleif and Volker Schier, “Views and Voices From Within: Sister Katerina Lemmel on the Glazing of the Cloister at Maria Mai,” in Glasmalerei im Kontext: Bildprogramme und Raumfunktionen: Akten des 22. Internationalen Colloquiums des Corpus Vitrearum Nürnberg, 29. August–1. September 2004, ed. Rüdiger Becksmann, Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, wissenschaftlicher Beiband 25, Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 211–28.
Volker Schier and Corine Schleif. "Seeing and Singing, Touching and Tasting the Holy Lance. The Power and Politics of Embodied Religious Experiences in Nuremberg, 1424–1524." Signs of Change. Transformations of Christian Traditions and their Representation in the Arts, 1000–2000, edited by Nils Holger Petersen, Claus Cluver, and Nicolas Bell. Amsterdam – New York: Rodopi, 2004, 401–426.
Corine Schleif, “Katerina Lemmels Briefe als Spiegel Nürnberger Privatfrömmigkeit,” in Im Zeichen des Christkinds: Privates Bild und Frömmigkeit im Spätmittelalter: Ergebnisse der Ausstellung Spiegel der Seligkeit, ed. Frank Matthias Kammel, Nuremberg: Germanisches Nationalmuseum, 109–12.
Corine Schleif, Chapter "The Role of Women in Challenging the Canon of 'Great Master' Art History" in Attending to Early Modern Women edited by Susan Dwyer Amussen and Adele F. Seeff
Corine Schleif, Donatio et memoria. Stifter, Stiftungen und Motivationen an Beispielen aus der Lorenzkirche in Nürnberg. München: Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1990.