Corinne Heline

Corinne Heline was an American author, Christian mystic, and occultist who published 28 books.
Born to the well-to-do Duke family, part of the aristocracy of the Old South, she received a large inheritance at age 16 that allowed her to self-publish her works.
Heline received a classical and religious education. She was a lifelong student of the ancient mysteries. Rosicrucian Initiate Max Heindel became her teacher at Mount Ecclesia, where she met another New Age pioneer, Theodore Heline, who became her husband in 1938 and undertook the publication of her mystical and occult writings.
Her magnum opus The New Age Bible Interpretation in seven volumes was followed by many other works interpreting the ancient wisdom. She is known worldwide among students of esotericism and occultism, and also in New Age circles as a pioneer, opening the way to vast new fields of investigation related to the coming .
Heline joined the New Age Bible and Philosophy Center at Santa Monica, California, which took the motto "Devoted to studies designed to aid the modern seeker to a spiritual reorientation in the Light of the Ancient Wisdom."
