Coroaci is a Brazilian municipality located in the east of the state of Minas Gerais. Its population as of 2007 was 11,109 people living in a total area of 576 km². The citybelongs to the meso-region of Vale do Rio Doce and to the micro-region of Governador Valadares. It became a municipality in 1949.
The city center of Coroaci is located at an elevation of 268 meters in the valley of the Suaçui river. Neighboring municipalities are: Nacip Raydan and Virgolândia, Matias Lobato and Governador Valadares, and Peçanha. Distances
Belo Horizonte: 420 km
Governador Valadares: 68 km southwest on MG-314 and BR-259
Services and agriculture are the main economic activities. The GDP in 2005 was approximately R$33 million, with 21 million reais from services, 4 million reais from industry, and 7 million reais from agriculture. There were 487 rural producers on 30,000 hectares of land. Approximately 1,450 persons were occupied in agriculture. The main crops are sugarcane, beans, and corn. There were 19,000 head of cattle, of which 4,500 were milk cows. Only 22 of the rural properties had tractors in 2006. There was one bank In the vehicle fleet there were 258 automobiles, 34 trucks, 46 pickup trucks, 8 buses, and 568 motorcycles.
State ranking: 550 out of 853 municipalities as of 2000
National ranking: 3,010 out of 5,138 municipalities as of 2000
Literacy rate: 81%
Life expectancy: 68 years
Per capital monthly income: R$139.00
In 2000 the per capita monthly income of R$139.00 was below the state average of R$276.00 and below the national average of R$297.00. Poços de Caldas had the highest per capita monthly income in the state in 2000 with R$435.00. The lowest was in the state was Setubinha with R$73.00. The highest ranking municipality in Minas Gerais in 2000 was Poços de Caldas with 0.841, while the lowest was Setubinha with 0.568. Nationally the highest was São Caetano do Sul in São Paulo with 0.919, while the lowest was Setubinha. In more recent statistics Manari in the state of Pernambuco has the lowest rating in the country—0,467—putting it in last place.