Cosplay Complex
Cosplay Complex is a Japanese original video animation series directed by Shinichiro Kimura and animated by TNK. It is centered on the after school cosplay club at East Oizumi Academy and follows the girls in the club as they practice so that one day they may be able to compete in cosplay competitions.Characters
East Oizumi Cosplay Club
; Chako Hasegawa
; Delmo
; Maria Imai
; Athena Imai
; Reika Aoshima
; Jenny Matel
; Gorō Yorozuyo
; Ikebukuro
; Coach Kuroba; Kōsuke Tamiya
; Sachiko AriiShin-Takarazuka Academy Cosplay Club
; Ranko Takara
; Tsukasa Tomii
; Jilmo
; Blue-haired woman