Council of Islamic Ideology

Council of Islamic Ideology is a constitutional body of Pakistan, responsible for giving legal advice on Islamic issues to the government and the Parliament. The body was founded in 1962 under the government of Ayub Khan.


The council has the following functions:
  1. To recommend laws conforming to Quran and Sunnah to the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies.
  2. To advise the Parliament, Government of Pakistan, President of Pakistan, or Governor on any question referred to the Council as to whether a proposed law is or is not repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam.
  3. To make recommendations to bring current laws into conformity with Islamic injunctions.
  4. To compile guidance for the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies.
However, the Government can make a law before advice is furnished by the council. The council is also responsible for submitting an annual interim report, which is discussed in the Parliament and Provincial Assemblies within six months of its receipt. Recently, the Council was strongly criticized in many traditionalist quarters for its recommendations on the procedure for khula..

First members

The council was then known as Advisory Council of Islamic Ideology. Its first nine members were: