County of Churchill, Queensland

The County of Churchill is a county in Queensland, Australia. Like all counties in Queensland, it is a non-functional administrative unit, that is used mainly for the purpose of registering land titles. The county lies between 152°E and 153°E longitude, and is centred on the West Moreton region, extending east to the suburbs of Ipswich. The county was named for Lord Randolph Churchill, who was born in 1849, by the Surveyor-General of New South Wales the following year; the area was officially named and bounded by the Governor in Council on 7 March 1901 under the Land Act 1897.


Churchill is divided into parishes, as listed below:
BlenheimLockyer ValleyForest Hill, Lawes
BrassallIpswichBrassall, Leichhardt, Pine Mountain
CampbellLockyer ValleyFlagstone Creek, Preston
ClumberScenic Rim
ColinLockyer Valley
East HaldonLockyer Valley
FassifernScenic RimAratula, Kalbar
FlagstoneLockyer ValleyMiddle Ridge, Withcott
FlindersScenic RimHarrisville
ForbesScenic Rim
GattonLockyer ValleyGatton
GoolmanScenic RimPeak Crossing
GrandchesterLockyer ValleyHatton Vale
LaidleyLockyer ValleyLaidley
MortLockyer Valley
NormanbyScenic RimWarrill View
PurgaIpswichChurchill, Ripley, Yamanto
RosevaleScenic RimRosevale
RosewoodLockyer ValleyGlenore Grove
TaylorLockyer ValleyMurphys Creek, Withcott
TenthillLockyer ValleyLower Tenthill
TerryLockyer Valley
ThornScenic RimRosevale
ThorntonLockyer Valley
TownsonLockyer Valley
WalloonIpswichRosewood, Marburg, Minden
WhitestoneLockyer Valley