Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans

The Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans is an association of Unitarian Universalists who identify with the precepts of classical or contemporary Paganism: celebrating the sacred circle of life and guiding people to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature. CUUPS members foster the development of "liturgical materials based on earth- and nature-centered religious and spiritual perspectives" as well as encourage "greater use of music, dance, visual arts, poetry, story, and creative ritual in Unitarian Universalist worship and celebration."


CUUPS was formed at the 1985 UUA General Assembly. It was chartered by the UUA in 1987 and incorporated as a not for profit organization in 1997. It was an Independent Affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association until 2007, then a Related Organization, and as of 2015 a Covenanting Community of the UUA. There are now over 110 chapters of CUUPS.


The Bylaws of CUUPS include its affiliation with the UUA, statement of purpose, membership requirements, information on the board of trustees, financial administration, rules for amendments, and rules. The board consists of between three and thirteen members, with a three-year term, must meet quarterly, and the president may not serve more than two terms consecutively


CUUPS works to enrich and strengthen the religious pluralism of Unitarian Universalism; promote the study and practice of contemporary Pagan, Earth-, and nature-centered spirituality; enable networking among pagan-identified Unitarian Universalists; develop educational/liturgical materials on Pagan spirituality for Unitarian Universalist congregations; encourage theological inquiry into the contemporary Pagan resurgence; promote inter-religious dialog; and work for the healing of the Earth. While not directly related to Wicca or other explicit Pagan paths, it does embrace them within its ministerial tradition. Members and friends receive the online CUUPS Bulletin, which reports continental and local chapter activities and explores contemporary Paganism.
The organization maintains ties to the UK-based Unitarian Earth Spirit Network, which serves a similar role of representing contemporary Pagan spirituality in the British Unitarian community.