Craig Powell (poet)

Craig Powell in Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia is an Australian poet. For ten years, he lived in Canada before returning to his homeland.
Powell graduated in medicine from Sydney University and later specialised in Psychiatry. From 1972 to 1982, he lived in Canada where he trained with the Toronto Institute of Psychoanalysis. He now lives in Sydney, Australia where he was a psychoanalyst in private practice and a visiting medical officer in Mental Health, at the Prince of Wales Hospital. In 2011, he fell, resulting in permanent brain damage that required him to retire from psychoanalysis and poetry, though his existing work is sometimes included in collections.
He won the 1983 Mattara Newcastle Poetry Prize and was a co-winner of the 45th International Poetry Competition organized by the Quarterly Review of Literature, Princeton, New Jersey. He has published eight poetry collections and individual poems were included in The Best Australian Poetry 2007 and in New Oxford Book of Australian Verse. More recently he published chapbooks The Poem As A Place and Poems For A Marriage through Picaro Press.

Work (poetry collections)