
Craigshill is a residential area in the east of Livingston, Scotland, west of Craigshill is the A899, with Howden, Ladywell and Knightsridge beyond, to the north is Houstoun Industrial Estate and the village of Pumpherston.


Craigshill was the first part of the town of Livingston to be constructed starting in 1966. Prior to construction starting the area was home to Craigsfarm and to the King Kong Park just next to Craigsfarm and Riverside Primary School.


The area is divided into 6 sections with the streets names accordingly; the "Grove"s are all named after trees, the "Street"s after Australian cities and towns, the "Drive"s are named after rivers, the "Walk"s are named after lochs, the "Park"s after local hills and the "Court"s after writers.


Craigshill has 3 primary schools - Letham, Riverside and Beatlie. Almondbank Library is next to Craigshill Shopping Mall and The Co-operative Food


To the north of the area the Livingston Squadron of the Air Training Corps meet in Maple Grove. Craigshill also has two public houses - The Stirrup Stane and The Tower - and a Masonic Hall home of Lodge Almondale 1658 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.


The nearest station to Craigshill is which is on the North Clyde Line.


Craigshill is also the home to 3 churches. St. Columba's Church was demolished in June 2010
Craigshill is home to West Lothian's first mosque.

Notable People from Craigshill

grew up in and was educated in the district.

Primary sources