
Crashbox is a Canadian-American educational children's television show that airs on the HBO Family digital cable television channel in the United States and Asia and ran from 1999 to 2000. It aims to educate grade-school children in history, math, vocabulary, and other various subjects.
Crashbox was one of the cornerstone programs for the relaunch of the HBO Family channel in February 1999.

Creation team

Crashbox was created by Planet Grande Pictures and is animated by Cuppa Coffee Studios, headed by Adam Shaheen. Planet Grande Pictures engaged award-winning Cuppa Coffee Studios 7 months to complete 13 hours of programming.


The show takes place in the insides of a game computer where green game cartridges are created and loaded by trusty robots. The format of each episode is The Electric Company-esque. Each half-hour episode consists of at least seven 2-to-5-minute educational games.


The following games appear in this show:
Near the end of each episode, the robots recap and review most of the games to the viewers in a "Crashbox Rewind".


Season 1

Season 2
