Credit Information Corporation

The Credit Information Corporation is a government-owned and controlled corporation providing credit information system in the Philippines. It was created in 2008 by the Credit Information System Act to construct a centralized, comprehensive credit information system for the collection and dissemination of accurate and fair information relevant to, or arising from, credit and credit-related activities of all entities participating in the financial system. This credit information is to be collected from various sources such as banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, financing companies, credit cooperatives, as well as utility companies and other businesses that extend loans. The CIC compiles this credit information to help creditors evaluate the ability of borrowers to pay.
The credit information system is intended to straightforwardly address the need for dependable credit information of borrowers and is supposed to significantly improve the overall availability of credit especially to micro, small and medium-scale enterprises; to make credit more cost-effective; and to reduce the dependence on collateral to secure credit facilities. An efficient credit information system is also supposed to enable financial institutions to reduce their over-all credit risk, contributing to a healthier and more stable financial system.
By law, the credit information should be provided at the least cost to all participants and the CIC should ensure the protection of consumer rights and the existence of fair competition in the industry at all times.

Credit Information System Act

The Credit Information System Act of 2008, also known as CISA is the act establishing Credit Information Corporation.

Accredited Credit Bureaus

On 13 March 2016, the CIC announced the accreditation of the first four credit bureaus, three international firms and one national credit bureau.