Creston News Advertiser

The Creston News Advertiser is a daily newspaper in Creston, Iowa, United States. It was started by Frank B. Thayer and Joel R. Hill, a Kansas City banker, in 1928 as a result of the merger of two newspapers, the Creston Evening News and the Creston Daily Advertiser. Creston Evening News was founded as a weekly in 1879 and began daily circulation in 1881.
It also includes news formerly published by the Fontanelle Observer and the Adair County Free Press. Staff for the News Advertiser also write for the Osceola Sentinel Tribune, located in Osceola.
Creston News Advertiser is published by Creston Publishing Company and is published in house. The editorial staff consists of Sarah Scull and Tyler Hetu as the managing and sports editors, respectively.