Crime in Ukraine

Crime in Ukraine is combated by the Ukrainian Police and other agencies.

Crime by type


In 2010, Ukraine had a murder rate of 4.3 per 100,000 population. There were a total of 1,988 murders in Ukraine in 2010. In 2017, 0.3% of Ukrainian crime was homicide. In 2016 the Ukrainian police investigated 1,707 murders, and in 2017 1,397.


is a widespread and growing problem in Ukrainian society. In 2014's Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index Ukraine was ranked 142nd out of the 175 countries investigated.
Bribes are given to ensure that public services are delivered either in time or at all. Ukrainians stated they give bribes because they think it is customary and expected. According to a 2008 Management Systems International sociological survey, the highest corruption levels were found in vehicle inspection, the police, health care, the courts and higher education. On June 8, 2011 Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych stated that corruption costs the state budget 2.5 billion in revenues annually and that through corrupt dealings in public procurement 10% to 15% of the state budget "ends up in the pockets of officials".
According to the United States Agency for International Development, the main causes of corruption in Ukraine are a weak justice system and an over-controlling non-transparent government combined with business-political ties and a weak civil society. Corruption is regularly discussed in the Ukrainian media.
In May 2018, Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid stated that corruption is the primary factor that is holding back the development of Ukraine and it can only be resolved with a strong political will after a meeting with the head of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine, Artem Sytnyk.


In 2017, the main segment of crime was theft with 52% proportion of the total crimes in Ukraine.


According to official statistics there were 126 acts of terror on Ukrainian soil every month in 2014, 108 in 2015, 155 in 2016 and 124 in 2017.
From 2014 until late 2017 5,804 criminal cases were registered as 'acts of terror', or 129 terrorist attacks per month on average. In this time-frame 15 people were convicted for terrorism.