Cristóvão Tezza was born in Lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil in 1952, but moved to Curitiba in Paraná by the time he was ten. This city would later serve as the backdrop for many of his stories, with characters visiting familiar streets and local attractions. Tezza had a variety of jobs when he was younger. His experience included time in the theater and the merchant marine, working illegally in Europe, and working as a watchmaker. He really loved this last job, but soon recognized that fixing clocks would not satisfy his desire to work with literature. By the time he was thirteen, Tezza had already finished his first book, one which he himself described as "very bad." He has published several novels, and a creative autobiography. One of the distinguishing features of his works is the presence of more than one narrator. For example, in his story Trapo the story is told simultaneously from the points of view of both a teacher of poetry, Manoel, and a poet, whose work is studied by Manoel. In 2003, Tezza published an essay on Mikhail Bakhtin, which he had originally written as his doctoral thesis. Tezza has a doctorate in Brazilian Literature, and was a professor of Linguistics at the Federal University of Paraná. On several occasions he has claimed that only four or five Brazilians could make their living from writing books, and for this reason he became a professor. He won the prize of the Brazilian Academy of Letters for the Best Brazilian Novel in 2004, for his book "O fotógrafo”. The magazine Época named him as one of the 100 Most Influential Brazilians of 2009. He also served on the jury to determine the finalists for the 2013 Portugal Telecom Prize. Until recently, Tezza wrote a biweekly column for the Folha de S.Paulo and was a regular contributor to the Gazeta do Povo, in Curitiba. In 2009, following the success of The Eternal Son, Tezza left his position as a university professor to pursue his literary interests full-time.
Gran Circo das Américas, São Paulo, SP: Editora Brasiliense
O Terrorista Lírico, Curitiba, PR: Criar Edições
Ensaio da Paixão, Curitiba, PR: Criar Edições
Trapo, São Paulo, SP: Editora Brasiliense
Aventuras Provisórias, Porto Alegre, RS: Mercado Aberto
Juliano Pavollini, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
A Suavidade do Vento, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
O Fantasma da Infância, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
Uma Noite em Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Rocco
Breve Espaço entre a Cor e a Sombra, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Rocco
O Fotógrafo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Rocco
O Filho Eterno, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
Um Erro Emocional, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
O Professor, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
Entre a Prosa e a Poesia: Bakhtin e o Formalismo Russo, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Rocco
O Espírito Da Prosa: Uma Autobiografia Literária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
Um Operário em Férias, Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Record
Trapo. Text adapted for theater by Cristóvão Tezza himself. Directed by Ariel Coelho, with Mark Winter, Cláudio Mamberti, and Imara Reis in the cast. Originally staged in Curitiba and various locations in Paraná in 1992.
O Filho Eterno. Text adapted for theater by Bruno Lara Resende. Directed by Daniel Herz, with Charles Fricks in the cast. Originally staged by Companhia Atores de Laura in Rio de Janeiro and various locations in Brazil in 2011.
O Filho Eterno. Produced by RT Features. Directed by Paulo Machline. Still in production. Expected release date: 2015.
Juliano Pavollini. Produced and directed by Caio Blat. Still in production. Expected release date: 2015.