Croche Lake (Sainte-Thècle)

Croche Lake is located in Sainte-Thècle, in the Mekinac Regional County Municipality, in Mauricie, in Quebec, Canada. From the beginning of the colonization of Sainte-Thècle, the area around the lake was used for forestry and agriculture. By the mid- 20th Century, the resort has grown intensely. Today, this lake is renowned for its recreo-touristic attractions and activities.


Bank of place names of Commission de toponymie du Québec has 293 names using the term "Croche". In the nineteenth Century, the term "Croche" has been widely adopted for naming rivers, lakes, streams and roads, during the exploration and colonization of the territories. In Quebec, a large number of homonyms "Lac Croche" create some confusion. As a result, many names "Lac Croche" are gradually replaced by more distinctive names.
The name "Lac Croche" was officially registered on December 5, 1968, at the Bank of place names of the Commission de toponymie du Québec


Croche Lake in Sainte-Thècle is part of a series of lakes in lines in the north-south axis between Hervey-Jonction and Saint-Tite: lac en coeur, lac des tounes, Croche Lake, lac-aux-chicots, lac à la peinture, lac Trottier, lac à la perchaude and former lake Kapibouska. Due to a geological fracture of bark land, Lac-aux-chicots et lac Croche are located at the foot of a long cliff more or less regular.
With a length of 3.9 km, the shape of Lake Croche in Sainte-Thècle is particularly long. The northern part of the lake looks like a big cucumber slightly misshapen, with a length of 2.4 km and a maximum width of 0.32 km. A pass, connects the northern and southern part of the lake. The connotation "Croche" is more applicable to this narrow pass. The southern part of the lake has the shape of a boot with the tip pointing towards the mouth of the lac, on the west side. At the center of this part, the municipality has a giant illuminated fountain.
The "Lac en Coeur" at northwest of the hamlet of Hervey-Jonction is the head lake of the "Rivière en Coeur" that descends to the south through the "Lac des Tounes" . Lake outlet of "Lac des tounes" flows from the north into the "Lac Croche".
The mouth of Lake Croche drains into a stream that connects the outlet of the "Lac-aux-Chicots" where Clement Saint-Amand had operated a sawmill at Saint–Michel-South row. The latter discharge flows into the Rivière des Envies.
St. Jean Optismist Park that was built on the south-east of the lake, in the heart of the village of Sainte-Thècle, is a popular attraction for residents and visitors, especially in summer. It has a beautiful beach, picnic tables, activity areas for children and a variety of accommodations for the organization of public events. The designated Laurent Naud waterfront promenade from the "rue du Pont" goes up to the Saint-Jean Optimist Park. From this promenade, visitors can contemplate the beauty of the lake.


The colonization of the territory of Sainte-Thècle, located in the Lordship of Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade began by clearing lots of Rang Saint -Michel, which borders the west side of the "Lac aux chicots"and "Lake Croche". At the beginning of the settlement, a first rudimentary road links the "rang des Pointes" Saint-Tite to forest land which was recently opened to settlement. Before the construction of roads and bridges over the culverts, ice roads on Lake Croche and "Lac-aux-Chicots" and allow the families of settlers to move to winter Saint-Tite, the main business center of the region, or still to logging camps until Missionary Lake. In summer, the settlers used small boats or barges.
This chain lake is bordered on the east side by Rang Saint-Pierre, which is colonized soon after Rang Saint -Michel and Saint-Joseph.
Lac Croche served including for the floating logs headed to sawmill of Theophile Magnan and his son Napoleon Magnan, built at the mouth of Lake Croche, near the dam.
Covered bridge of Lake Croche, connecting Rang Saint-Michel North and Du Pont Street in the lower village, was demolished in July 1955 to be replaced by the current bridge.
At the coldest peak of the winter, ice on the lake was cut by men on Lake Croche with handed saw in order to fill the coolers of village or rows residents. They lifted the ice with hooks ice. A public warehouse for ice was located at the edge of the lake, near the Tessier street.