Cropthorne New Inn Section
Cropthorne New Inn Section is a 0.12 hectare geological Site of Special Scientific Interest in Cropthorne in Worcestershire. It is a Geological Conservation Review site.
The site dates to the Ipswichian interglacial between 130,000 and 115,000 years ago. This was one of the warmest periods of the last half a million years, but there were no humans in Britain. The site has a rich array of mollusc and mammal fossils, including hippopotamus. There are a number of terraces of the River Avon laid down at different periods, and New Inn is a key site for determining their sequence, and for the Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Midlands generally.
There is no public access to the site, which is a triangular area of scrub north of Main Road near the New Inn.