Cuerpo de Quinteros y Labradores

Cuerpo de Quinteros y Labradores was a military unit of cavalry formed on the occasion of the English invasions to the Río de la Plata.


This military unit was formed by farmers of the province of Buenos Aires, being their Commanders in chiefs Don Antonio Luciano de Ballester, a rich landowner, born in Buenos Aires, and Juan Clavería, born in Escou, France.
The Corps of Quinteros and Labradores had two squads with volunteers from the haciendas of Buenos Aires. They were divided into six companies, to fulfill surveillance missions. Its armament consisted in spears, swords and some pistols and carbines, provided by farmers.

Distinción Real

List of the members of the Cuerpo de Quinteros y Labradores who were distinguished in the name of Fernando VII of España, for their heroic action in the defense of Buenos Aires against the English troops.