Cuisine of Quebec

Quebec's traditional cuisine is as rich and diverse as the province of Quebec itself. Food critic Jacob Richler wrote that Quebec's cuisine is better defined than that of Canada, due to a language barrier with the dominant culture of the United States and having had more time to develop.

Traditional cuisine

Quebec is most famous for its poutine, tourtières, pâté chinois, pea soup, "fèves au lard" , cretons spread, and desserts such as maple syrup-based grand-pères, pouding chômeur and "tire Ste-Catherine". Spruce beer is also considered a traditional beverage. The strongest influences on traditional Quebec cuisine come from the cuisines of France and Ireland, as the two largest ethnic groups in the province are French and Irish, although many aspects of Canadian aboriginal cuisine have also had a significant impact on Quebec cuisine. Other European influences on Quebec cuisine include British, German, and Italian cuisines, since there are also significant populations of British, German, and Italian people in Quebec.
The sugar season is one of the oldest of Quebec culinary traditions. During springtime, many Québécois go to sugar shacks for a traditional meal that features eggs, baked beans, ham, oreilles de crisse, and bacon, which they then cover in maple syrup. Associated activities are a horse-drawn sleigh ride in the woods and sugar on snowboiled maple tree sap dribbled over snow, which then hardens, and is eaten as a treat.
Many traditional dishes are intrinsic to holidays. Réveillon, the Christmas Eve feast, usually features items like a bûche de Noël and tourtière.