Cure (film)
Cure is a 1997 Japanese thriller film written and directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa, starring Kōji Yakusho, Masato Hagiwara, Tsuyoshi Ujiki and Anna Nakagawa. The story follows a detective investigating a string of gruesome murders where an X is carved into the neck of each victim, the murderer is found near the victim of each case and remembers nothing of the crime. The film was released to strong critical acclaim in Japan and internationally, with critics praising Kurosawa's direction as well as the visuals and atmosphere. The film was part of the new wave of Japanese cinema, J-Horror with other releases like Nakata's Ringu. In 2012, South Korean film director Bong Joon-ho listed the film as one of the greatest films of all time and had a strong impact on his filming career. This is Kurosawa and lead actor Yakusho's first of eight film collaborations.
Kenichi Takabe is an emotionally repressed police detective with a mentally unstable wife. Takabe investigates a series of bizarre murders in which each victim is killed in the same way, with a large "X" carved into their neck, but the perpetrator is different each time. In every case the murderers are caught close to the scene of the crime, and although they readily confess to committing the crimes, they never have a substantial motive and cannot explain what drove them to kill.Takabe, together with a psychologist named Sakuma, eventually determines that one man is the common thread among the murders, as each person he comes in contact with commits a killing shortly thereafter. The man, called Mamiya, appears to have extreme short-term memory loss; he seems constantly confused about what day it is, where he is, and what his name is. He claims to recall nothing of his past. Mamiya constantly counters Takabe's interrogation with evasive questions regarding Takabe's identity. This drives Takabe nearly insane as he gradually loses his initial calmness. The futility of the case starts to affect his psyche as he becomes more and more volatile, exploding into violent fits of anger.
Takabe discovers that Mamiya used to be a student of psychology who researched mesmerism and hypnosis. He comes to realize that Mamiya has no memory problems, and is instead a master of hypnosis, capable of planting criminal suggestions in strangers' minds by exposing them to repetitive sounds, the motion of water, or the flame of a lighter.
In an archive, Sakuma finds a videotape of a mysterious man, speculated to be the originator of Japanese mesmerism, and shows it to Takabe. The man is depicted hypnotizing a woman in the late 1800s. She had been under treatment for hysteria and was hypnotized by the man who gestured an "X" midair. The woman later killed her son in a manner similar to Mamiya's crimes. Sakuma believes the current crimes have a connection to the earlier events, describing Mamiya as a missionary of ceremonial murders. After showing the tape, Sakuma is revealed to have unconsciously drawn an X on his wall, and starts to experience hallucinations of Takabe menacingly cornering him. Several days later, the police discover Sakuma's body in his home, and conclude that he committed suicide. Meanwhile, Mamiya is jailed and charged with incitement to murder.
Mamiya finds Takabe fascinating, possibly because he cannot force Takabe to kill. Takabe is tormented by visions of his wife dead, however, and the more he studies Mamiya, the more he feels that he might be losing his mind. The detective grows frustrated with his wife's helplessness and even expresses murderous intent towards her at one point. His wife's strange behavior and concerns about his own mental stability lead him to have her committed to a mental hospital.
When Mamiya escapes, killing a policeman and a doctor in the process, Takabe tracks him to a deserted building in the wilderness and shoots him. Exploring the building, Takabe finds and listens to an old phonograph cylinder that contains a scratchy recording of a male voice repeating what seem to be cryptic hypnotic instructions.
The film ends ambiguously at a restaurant where a waitress serves Takabe then suddenly draws out a knife after speaking to the detective—suggesting that the bizarre ceremonial crimes are being carried out inadvertently by Takabe after listening to the cylinder recording created a century earlier.
- Kōji Yakusho as Takabe
- Masato Hagiwara as Mamiya
- Tsuyoshi Ujiki as Sakuma
- Anna Nakagawa as Takabe's wife
- Yoriko Dōguchi as Dr. Akiko Miyajima
- Yukijirō Hotaru as Ichiro Kuwano
- Denden as Oida
- Ren Osugi as Fujiwara
- Masahiro Toda as Tōru Hanaoka
- Misayo Haruki as Tomoko Hanaoka
- Shun Nakayam as Kimura
- Akira Otaka as Yasukawa
- Shôgo Suzuki as Tamura
- Touji Kawahigashi as Psychiatrist
- Hajime Tanimoto as Takabe no shachô
On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, Cure has a 93% approval rating based on 51 reviews, with an average score of 7.34/10. The site's critical consensus reads: "Mesmerizing and psychologically intriguing." Tom Mes of Midnight Eye described the film as "a horror film in the purest sense of the word". Meanwhile, A. O. Scott of The New York Times noted that Kiyoshi Kurosawa "turns the thriller into a vehicle for gloomy social criticism." Scott Tobias of The A.V. Club said: "Kurosawa, a prolific genre stylist who specializes in low-key thrillers and horror films, undercuts the lurid material by keeping a chilly, almost clinical distance from the events and unfolding the story in elliptical pieces." For Screen Slate, Stephanie Monohan wrote, "Arguably overshadowed by other films in the turn-of-the-century J-Horror canon like Ringu and Audition, Cure lives on as one of the more powerful works of the era." Bong Joon Ho calls Kurosawa a great master of Japanese horror films. He states, "There is this sense of horror that trickles down your nerves. It's something that only Kiyoshi can create." Bong would come out with his own crime, serial killer movie six years after called Memories of Murder.Kurosawa speaking about the success of Cure, he said, "I watched a lot of American horror movies growing up, and I had wanted to make a movie in that genre for some years. Then the growth in popularity of genre films made it easier for me to get the project financed and produced. So, circumstance was the key factor to the success of Cure, and it has continued to play an important role in my career ever since."
• 1997 - Best Actor Award - Kôji Yakusho - Tokyo International Film Festival• 1998 - Best Film - Kiyoshi Kurosawa - Japanese Professional Movie Awards
• 1998 - Best Supporting Actor - Masato Hagiwara - Japanese Professional Movie Awards
• 1999 - Best Film - Yokohama Film Festival
• 1999 - Best Supporting Actor - Ren Osugi - Yokohama Film Festival
• 1999 - Best Director - Kiyoshi Kurosawa - Yokohama Film Festival