Curse of the Monkeybird

"Curse of the Monkeybird" is the first short of the animated television series Looney Tunes Cartoons and the first short produced for the series. It originally released at Annecy in June 2019. The film was added to the list of Best Animated Short Film for 2019 for a vote, and was in 9th place, but it wasn't nominated.


and Daffy Duck are riding on an elephant through the jungle. Porky tells viewers that he and Daffy are in search of the Lost Temple of Monkeybird so that they can trade the treasure inside for a reward and pay off their parking tickets in town. However, the trail to the temple disperses before their very eyes, prompting the pair to think they are lost; this is proven wrong as the temple was actually right in front of them all along.
Before they enter the temple, they are told by a skull to "Beware the Monkeybird curse". Porky is instantly frightened by the warning, but Daffy, believing that science will prevail, decides to ignore it and go on ahead, before a troupe of bats and ghosts force him to persuade Porky to take the lead. Inside, Porky says to be wary of any booby traps that may lay ahead. Daffy is adamant towards this as he sets off the many traps which brutally injure Porky.
Daffy finds Porky and tells him that they have found the Treasure of the Monkeybird Temple. Unfortunately, as they rush towards it, they discover that the ground is littered with banana skins and "Monkeybird Monthly Magazines" before Daffy is immediately bitten in the leg by a snake, forcing him to plead Porky to suck out the venom. It turns out that Daffy has already captured the treasure, and the leg actually belongs to the dreaded Monkeybird.
Porky and Daffy try to escape with the treasure on a vine, but the Monkeybird blocks their passage by revealIng that he can actually fly, and are eventually cornered by the creature. Daffy tries to communicate with the monster, which the Monkeybird happily mistakes for a marriage proposal, instantly preparing the ceremony with Porky as the bridesmaid. To the Monkeybird's confusion, Daffy leaves him at the altar by putting him in his own wedding ring before leaving with Porky for town on an airplane fashioned from the treasure chest.
Crash landing back home, they open the chest to behold a valuable golden egg inside. To their chagrin, they discover that the treasure is actually the dozens of offspring of the Monkeybird, after which Porky dourly remarks to as the curse they were warned about.


Curse of the MonkeyBird was the first short produced by Warner Bros. Animation, and is the only known short with the involvement of Eddie Trigueros. Production began in late 2017 and was outsourced to Yowza! Animation in Canada.


It was released at Annecy on June 2019 and on HBO Max on May 27, 2020.