Cutervo National Park

Cutervo National Park , established in 1961, is the oldest protected area in Peru. It is located in the northern Peruvian Andes, in the region of Cajamarca. The park was extended to and protects areas of Andean montane forests and paramo for headwater conservation. Moreover, those areas are the habitat of animal species like the spectacled bear, the mountain tapir, and the oilbird; and plant species like the Andean wax palms.


Human occupation in the area dates back to the Pre-Columbian era. Archaeological remains are present inside the national park, primarily within the El Perolito Archaeological Site.
Following the 8th Pan-American Conference in 1938 held in Lima, the nature conservationist society Comité Nacional de Protección a la Naturaleza was founded, which included the Federación Cultural de Cutervo-Lima. Federación Cultural de Cutervo-Lima submitted a project for a national park near Cutervo to the Ministry of Agriculture that was dismissed.
Biologist Salomon Vilchez Murga, as deputy for the region of Cajamarca, presented a project to the congress for the creation of Cutervo National Park, which passed as law 13694 on September 8, 1961, and took effect 12 days later on September 20. The park was created with a surface of. A proposal to increase the park area was submitted in 2000. Law 28860 expanded the area of the park to the current on August 3, 2006. In 2007, a buffer zone surrounding the national park was created in order to diminish pressure and threats to the ecosystems inside the park.


Cutervo National Park is located in the districts of San Andres de Cutervo, Santo Domingo de la Capilla, Callayuc, Santa Cruz de Cutervo, Pimpingos and Santo Tomas de Aquino; which belong to the Cutervo Province, within the region of Cajamarca. The park's are divided in the Northern sector with and the Southern sector with. The buffer zone surrounding the park comprises an area of.
The most prominent geographical feature, at the highest elevation in the park, is the mountain range Cordillera de Tarros. This mountain has several caves and is the origin of several streams. Elevations inside the park range between 1550 and 3500 meters above sea level.


The park protects part of the Peruvian Yungas ecoregion. A variety of ecological communities exist within the park including wet montane forests, high-elevation grasslands above 3000 m, rivers, and small lakes.


Over seven hundred species of vascular plants have been recorded in the park. Many are broadleaved trees, conifer and palm trees. Orchids are represented by 88 recorded morphospecies.


The park is home to mammal species facing risk of extinction such as the neotropical otter, the mountain tapir, the spectacled bear, the mountain paca, the giant anteater, and a species of wild cat. Bird species like the oilbird, the golden-headed quetzal, and the Andean cock-of-the-rock are also live within the park. A species of catfish can be seen in the underground streams of the caves inside the park.


Forests in the area are covered by clouds and fog almost year-round. The park's average annual rainfall is more than, and the maximum annual rainfall is almost. The temperature is between
at 1000–2000 meters, between at 2000–2500 meters, and between at 2500–3500 meters.


Camping and hiking are the most popular activities in the park, especially between July and October.
While there are several caves inside the park, the most visited by tourists are Gruta de los Guácharos, Gruta Blanca, and Gruta del Murciélago. Stalactites and stalagmites are present in all the caves. Some caves have underground streams home to the rare catfish species Astroblepus rosei.
The palm tree forests produce ample fruit that attracts oilbirds.
Páramo mountaintops have both grassland and lakes.

Environmental issues

The main threats to the park's biodiversity are wood extraction and forest clearing for agriculture and pastures. A large issue is the rejection by some local inhabitants of the new park boundaries.