The Cyrtandroideae are a subfamily of plants in the family Gesneriaceae, with a typical genus being Cyrtandra; some authorities place these genera in the Didymocarpoideae. This subfamily consists mostly of tropical and subtropical Old World genera, found in Africa and Asia.Wikispecies lists the following:- Cyrtandra
- Rhynchotechum
- Sepikea
- Achanthonema
- Allocheilos
- Allostigma
- Ancylostemon
- Anna
- Beccarinda
- Boea
- Boeica
- Bournea
- Briggsia
- Briggsiopsis
- Calcareoboea
- Cathayanthe
- Championia
- Chirita
- Chiritopsis
- Colpogyne
- Conandron
- Corallodiscus
- Dayaoshania
- Deinocheilos
- Deinostigma
- Didissandra
- Didymocarpus
- Didymostigma
- Dolicholoma
- Gyrocheilos
- Haberlea
- Hemiboea
- Hemiboeopsis
- Henckelia
- Hexatheca
- Isometrum
- Jancaea
- Lagarosolen
- Leptoboea
- Linnaeopsis
- Loxocarpus
- Metabriggsia
- Metapetrocosmea
- Nodonema
- Opithandra
- Orchadocarpa
- Oreocharis
- Ornithoboea
- Paraboea
- Petrocodon
- Petrocosmea
- Phyllobaea
- Platyadenia
- Platystemma
- Primulina
- Pseudochirita
- Ramonda
- Raphiocarpus
- Rhabdothamnopsis
- Ridleyandra
- Saintpaulia
- Schizoboea
- Streptocarpus
- Tengia
- Tetraphyllum
- Thamnocharis
- Trachystigma
- Tremacron
- Trisepalum
- Epithema
- Gyrogyne
- Loxonia
- Monophyllaea
- Rhynchoglossum
- Stauranthera
- Whytockia
- Aeschynanthus
- Agalmyla
- Loxostigma
- Lysionotus
- Microchirita
- Micraeschynanthus
- Oxychlamys