Dürre Wand

The Dürre Wand is a mountain ridge in Lower Austria and belongs topographically to the Gutenstein Alps. It stretches from Miesenbach in a WSW direction to the Schneeberg.
The Dürre Wand is a ridge, rocky in places, which is bordered by pastures, forests and waterfalls. In contrast to Hohe Wand plateau in the immediate east, it culminates in a narrow ridge-line with its hiking trail offering outstanding views.


The highest elevations are Katharinenschlag, Schober, Öhler and Plattenstein.

Refuge huts

Located more or less central on the ridge, east of Öhler at a height of, is the Öhler Hut which belongs to Friends of Nature. On Plattenstein sits the Gauermann Hut owned and run by the Austrian Tourist Club or ÖTK.


The Tabler Cave east of the Plattenstein and the Erzloch, a shaft cave east of the Öhler refuge hut, are two caves on the crest of the Dürre Wand. Other important caves are the Malepartuskluft, Bergmilchkammer, Marechle Cave, Schichtkammer and the Vierpfeiler Cave , the Zinsensteinhöhle and the Waldbodenloch . In all, exactly one hundred caves are recorded in the register for Region 1862 - Dürre Wand.


Footnotes and references