
D-Frag!, also known as D-Fragments, is a comedic manga series by Tomoya Haruno that began serialization in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive in July 2008. It has been collected in fourteen tankōbon volumes as of August 2019. A 12-episode anime television series adaptation by Brain's Base aired from January 6, 2014 to March 24, 2014.


The story focuses on a semi-connected series of sketches as delinquent student Kenji Kazama is forced into joining his school's struggling "Game Creation Club" by its members, a quartet of crazy women with their own eccentricities that drive him crazy. As he attempts to distance himself from the club, the more he seems to run into not only his fellow club members, but others from his school who drive him insane to different degrees.


Most main characters' names are reference to railway stations in Tokyo, particularly Keiō Line. Some main character's first names are not yet revealed.

Main characters

; Real Game Creation Club
; Kazama Gang
; Former student council
; Others


Written and illustrated by Tomoya Haruno that began serialization in Media Factory's Monthly Comic Alive in July 2008. The chapters are being collected and released in the tankōbon format by Media Factory. As of August 23, 2019, fourteen volumes were released. Seven Seas Entertainment has licensed the manga.


An anime television series adaptation by Brain's Base aired from January 6 to March 24, 2014 on TV Tokyo. The series is directed by Seiki Sugawara, Makoto Uezu is in charge of series composition, while Nijine composed the music. Funimation has licensed the series.
No.TitleOriginal air date