DARwIn-OP is a miniature-humanoid robot platform developed and manufactured by Korean robot manufacturer Robotis in collaboration with Virginia Tech, Purdue University, and University of Pennsylvania. It is also supported by a $1.2 million NSF grant. DARwIn-OP has twenty degrees of freedom, each controlled by a DYNAMIXEL MX-28T servo motor.
DARwIn-OP's main purpose is for research and programmers in the fields of humanoid, artificial intelligence, gait algorithm, vision, inverse kinematics, and linguistics, among others.
DARwIn-OP is also the winner of the Kid Size League in the RoboCup 2011 2012 League, and 2013 League. With the release of the ROBOTIS OP2, the name of DARwIn-OP has also changed.
- Discontinued and replaced with ROBOTIS OP2 – new specs below
- Height:
- Weight:
- Default walking speed: 24.0 cm/s 0.25 s/step – user modifiable gait
- Default standing up time from ground : 2.8 s and 3.9 s – user modifiable speed
- Built-in PC: 1.6 GHz Intel Atom Z530 on-board 4 GB flash SSD
- Management controller : ARM CortexM3 STM32F103RE 72 MHz
- 20 MX-28T actuators with metallic gears
- 3 Mbit/s high-speed Dynamixel bus for joint control
- 3-axis gyro, 3-axis accelerometer, button × 3, detection microphone × 2
- Versatile functionality
- Price: $12,000
- Height:
- Weight:
- Default walking speed: 24.0 cm/s 0.25 s/step – user modifiable gait
- Default standing up time from ground : 2.8 s and 3.9 s – user modifiable speed
- 20 MX-28T actuators with metallic gears
- CPU : Intel Atom Processor N2600
- RAM : 4GB, user-replaceable
- SSD : SSD / mSATA module, user-replaceable
- OS : Linux and Windows
- User-accessible ports : 2 x USB2.0, mini HDMI, LAN
- Price: $9,600
- Height:
- Weight:
- 20 XM430-W350-R actuators with metallic case & gears
- CPU : Intel NUC with Intel Core i3 processor dual core
- RAM: 8GB DDR4, user-replaceable
- Storage: 128GB M.2 SSD, user-replaceable
- Camera: Logitech C920 HD Pro Webcam
- OS : Linux
- Price: $11,000
Different Applications
This platform is currently used in the ICRA, RoboCup, FIRA, and Humabot competition.Links below.
- IEEE ICRA Robot Challenge
- RoboCup
- IEEE Humanoids
ICRA Humanoid Application Challenge
Year | Winning Team | Project Description | Competition Location |
2012 | University of Manitoba | Ice skating/Ice hockey | Minneapolis-St Paul |
2013 | Georgia Tech | Case-based reasoning, learning from demonstration | Karlsruhe, Germany |
2014 | Cancelled | Cancelled | Hong Kong |
2015 | University of Manitoba | Alpine and cross-country skiing | Seattle, WA - USA |
2016 | Cancelled | Cancelled | Stockholm, Sweden |
The DARWIN-OP robot is currently used by several teams in the RoboCup kids-size competition and have shown excellent performance by the teams using this platform.Year | Rank | Team Name | Country | University |
2011 | 1st Place | Team DARwIn | USA | Virginia Tech and UPenn |
2012 | 1st Place | Team DARwIn | USA | Virginia Tech and UPenn |
2013 | 1st Place | Team DARwIn | USA | Virginia Tech and UPenn |
2014 | 2nd Place | Bold Hearts | UK | University of Hertfordshire |
DARWIN-OP robots are used by some teams in the kids-size HuroCup competition at FIRA. A team from the University of Manitoba won best overall at the 2013 competition using a DARwIn-OP. By 2017, team ICHIRO from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember won 10 medals and broke two world records in sprint and marathon using Darwin-Op.Robotbenchmark
Since August 2017, the ROBOTIS OP2 is used in an online contest called Humanoid Marathon on robotbenchmark. In this contest it is possible to program a simulated robot in Python using a web interface.Community
Due to its openness and easy maintenance, many researchers favor and hope to create a clone version of their own.DARWIN-OP is currently being used at the labs/universities below :
- GRASP University of Pennsylvania
- ARTLAB Purdue University
- Bold Hearts University of Hertfordshire
- Hamburg Bit-Bots Hamburg University
- NUBots University of Newcastle
- UKM Soccer Robotic Laboratory Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- University of Manitoba Autonomous Agents Laboratory
- Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives- Marcoule
- École normale supérieure de Rennes
- Virginia Tech
- DASL University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- ICHIRO Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember