Dacor (scuba diving)

Dacor is a former USA manufacturer of scuba diving gear which was founded 1953 by Sam Davison Jr. in Evanston, Illinois as "The Davison Corporation", from which Dacor was coined by using the initial syllables, "Da" and "cor". Dacor was one of the five original United States diving gear makers: U.S. Divers, Healthways, Voit, Dacor, and Swimaster. Dacor is now merged with Mares. DaCor was patented under 3.128.481 in 1955 by Sam Jr, Founder and President. His brother, Donald Davison, was Vice President and in charge of sales worldwide. After their deaths in the late 80's, Sam's wife Joan became CEO of the company, and later sold to Mares.
Star Wars sound designer Ben Burtt used an old Dacor scuba regulator to create the heavy breathing of the notorious antagonist Darth Vader.