
Dadasiba or Dada Siba Jagir is a village in the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, India. A government Industrial Training Institute is based there. Dadasiba's Pin Code is 177 106 and people of Dadasiba Village use Hindi Language for communication.
There is a Radha Krishan temple, which was built by Raja Ram Singh of Sibaia/Sapehiya clan, known for its murals, dating back about two hundred years to a time when the village was the centre of an independent state. One of the palaces of Raja Ram Singh, is also situated in this village
There is one more temple in this area named Baba Bharthari g temple situated in gurnwar sub village of the dada siba tehsil, it is on the top of the hill and mid of the forest, the view of dharamshala from here is to see a beautiful heaven
river and the rocky mountains are just pretty awesome>.
present head of the royal chair is Raja Dr.Ashok K.Thakur

