Dagouein Mountain

The Dagouein Mountain is an average elevation of above sea level, is the seventh highest point in Djibouti. The mountain forms one of the geographic resources of the area.


The first known people that inhabited the mountain are the Issa Somali. The most famous town in the area is the town of Assamo located 9 km southeast. The principal languages spoken in the area are Somali.

Climate and Geography

The Dagouein Mountain lie south of the Ali Sabieh Region in Djibouti. The altitude and size of the range affects the climate in the mountains precipitation levels vary greatly and climatic conditions consist of distinct zones. Wildlife live in the higher peaks to elevations of 1,124 m. The mountain is located approximately 20 kilometres south east of Ali Sabieh, 9 kilometres from Assamo by road. It's near the Ethiopia border