Daily Iowegian

The Daily Iowegian was a two-day newspaper published in Centerville, Iowa and covering Appanoose and Wayne counties in Iowa and Putnam county in Missouri. It was owned by CNHI, LLC
The newspaper also published a Wednesday newspaper/shopper called Ad Express and has more than five times the circulation of the other days' papers.
The Daily Iowegian published its final edition on May 22, 2020 after announcing it was merging with the Ottumwa Courier.


What is now known as the Daily Iowegian first published on April 7, 1883 as the "Industrial Iwegian." The moniker of the newspaper then was "A paper devoted to the interests of the industrial classes."
At the time it was founded, there were two other newspapers in the county: The Centerville Citizen and the Centerville Journal.
Over the years, papers began consolidating. The Industrial Iwegian changed its name to the semi-weekly Iowegian. In 1916, the Centerville Citizen and semi-weekly Iowegian combined, creating the current newspaper known as the Daily Iowegian.
In 1983, Appanoose County Publishing purchased the Iowegian. They combined it with the Ad Express, a free shopper.
In 1999, Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. purchased the Daily Iowegian and Ad Express.