Dalit History Month

Dalit History Month is an annual observance as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the Dalits or Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. It is celebrated in April all over the world by followers of B.R Ambedkar. Discussions,storytelling,history projects,special publications in media, and art works are organized during this month.


Inspired by Black History Month, a young group of Dalit women started the Dalit History Month in 2013. Sanghapali Aruna started project Dalit History Month for creating a documentation of Dalit, Adivasi and Bahujan history and culture. Sanghapali Aruna and Thenmozhi Soundararajan came up with idea during discussions at Color of Violence conference in Chicago.


Dalits are discriminated because of their caste, despite such discrimination being illegal in India. Ignorance and absence of Dalits in Indian history by mainstream authors is discussed during Dalit History Month. Issues faced by Dalits are pondered upon by citizens.

