Dan Fitzpatrick

Daniel Fitzpatrick from Hinsdale, New Hampshire is the American author of the Visions trilogy, a fictional thriller series which follows the events of Jade Walker, a librarian turned vigilante serial killer with numerous mind-altering abilities.

Writing career

When his wife became pregnant with their first child, Fitzpatrick decided he would start writing a book to pass on to his children. Initially, he planned to write an extensive family biography which would include the genealogy, significant events, and most noted memories. It was a very difficult task since nobody in his family had any type of information to fit the requirements for the plan. After a few months of extensive research, he came up short handed and decide to abandon the story. However, he did enjoy writing so he decided to continue in the form of a journal, expressing his feelings of entering fatherhood; something he could still pass on to his children in the future.
When he was just a few pages into this new project, he heard a story on a local news station about a mother who attempted to kill her 9-month old daughter. Since he was becoming a parent himself, Fitzpatrick took special notice on this case and the cases of other child abuse cases. With the newfound desire to write a book and the fury over what these parents were doing to their children, he decided once again to change his story. Since he had no way to properly express his disgust towards these violent criminals, he decided to put his rage into a story.