
Dangia is a village in the Pulbazar subregion, in Darjeeling Pulbazar. Dangia is a sub-locale of Darjiling region in the Indian state of West Bengal. The population density is 355 people per 1 km2.
The closest town is Darjeeling. Forest composes 4% of the village.


Among the 1,768 residents of Dangia, 51% are male and 49% are female. 46% of the entire population are from general rank, 11% are from plan position and 42% are from plan tribes. Children 6 and under make up 13% of the population. 396 families live in the town. The average household size is 4.
The population of the town has expanded by 9.9% in the last 10 years. The female population has increased by 9.1%, 1.5% lower than the male population increase of 10.6%.
The 2011 census found 975 females for each 1000 males. It found 1000 girls under 6 for every 1000 boys.
An estimated 1118 individuals in the town are literate, including 641 males and 477 females. The literacy rate of Dangia is 72%. 82% of males and 63% of females are literate. The male education rate increased by 7% and female education rate increased by 10% since the prior census.


45% of Dangia's population is employed. 57% of the male and 33% of the female population earn money. 40% of the male population are principally laborers and 16% are minor specialists. 13% of the female population are fundamental and 20% are peripheral specialists.