Daniel Patte
Daniel Patte is a French-American biblical scholar and author. Patte is, since 2013, Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies, New Testament and Christianity at Vanderbilt University where he taught from 1971. He studied in both European and American schools: following his Baccalauréat in Philosophy he received a Baccalauréat en Théologie from the Faculté de Théologie Protestante, Montpellier, France, where he met his wife, Aline Teitelbaum; Licence en Théologie, from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and a ThD from the Jewish Christian Center at Chicago Theological Seminary. As a biblical scholar and teacher in various settings around the world, Patte calls for an ethics of biblical interpretation that involves acknowledging the contextual character of any interpretation of the Bible, as his numerous books and articles indicate. In the 1970s-1980s Patte pioneered structural criticism in biblical studies, then served two terms as the General Editor of Semeia, an Experimental Journal for Biblical Criticism of the Society of Biblical Literature. Patte initiated and chaired programs of the Society of Biblical Literature, including on Semiotic and Exegesis, Romans Through History and Cultures, and, since 2007, Contextual Biblical Interpretation. With colleagues of the Society of Biblical Literature and of the American Academy of Religion involved in these programs, he envisioned and edited A Global Bible Commentary and The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity.
As a child of a Huguenot family who was part of the underground striving to help Jewish families flee from the Nazi Holocaust, and as a missionary and teacher in the Republic of Congo, from the start Patte’s life, teaching and research have revolved around a theme of cross-cultural hermeneutics and “ethics of interpretation” of the Bible. After reading the New Testament in terms of French existentialism, he studied Jewish hermeneutics as expressed in early Midrash, Targum, and the Dead Sea Scrolls . His interests in hermeneutics, and then in theories ofcommunication, structuralism, and semiotics led him to pay special attention to The Religious Dimensions of Biblical Texts and, in particular, those of Paul's letters and Matthew. His involvement as General Editor of Semeia with many very diverse colleagues – feminist, African-American, postcolonial biblical scholars from the US and biblical scholars from Africa and Asia – confronted him with the fact that any biblical interpretation involves choosing one interpretation among several legitimate and plausible ones, and that this interpretive choice always has very concrete consequences. Therefore, any interpreter must assume moral responsibility for her/his interpretive choices. These cross-cultural exchanges confirmed by structural semiotic theories led him to a practice of 'Scriptural Criticism' – necessarily in collaboration with theologians, church historians, and other biblical scholars from around the world – that accounts for the analytical-exegetical, hermeneutical-theological, and contextual choices involved in any interpretation of the Bible.
The practice of Scriptural Criticism was first illustrated in Discipleship According to the Sermon on the Mount: Four Legitimate Readings, Four Plausible Views of Discipleship, and Their Relative Values, in The Challenge of Discipleship: A Critical Study of the Sermon on the Mount as Scripture, and in The Gospel of Matthew: A Contextual Introduction for Group Study and in A Global Bible Commentary.
With this approach, he led a SBL Seminar in a study of the reception of Paul’s letters to the Romans throughout history and in present-day cultures around the world; Patte and the theologian Cristina Grenholm co-edited a 10 volume book series, Romans through History and Cultures ; he edited A Global Bible Commentary with contributions of seventy scholars from around the world; He was the General Editor of The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity that seeks to make understandable the complexity of present-day Christianity by clarifying the contextual character of Christian theological views, practices, and movements through history and cultures.
He is now compiling what he learned from all these in his massive multivolume project Romans: Three Exegetical Interpretations and the History of Reception''.
Biblical interpretation
Patte’s lifelong research and teaching crystallized in the emphasis on contextual biblical interpretations. He pioneered this approach in critical biblical studies, making a significant impact not only on biblical scholarship but also on the laity and practical theology. This approach is concerned with the diversity of interpretations, their on-going conflicts, and with criteria for assessing the ethical value of particular interpretations. When one acknowledges that any interpretation necessarily includes three kinds of interpretive moves – a textual choice, a theological/hermeneutical choice, and contextual choices – any interpreter is faced with a plurality of reading possibilities, and therefore with ethical responsibility. Consequently, Patte’s pedagogy takes the form of round-table discussions as a procedure for discerning the relative value of different interpretations and for calling for a critical, communal evaluation of each and every interpretation. Each interpreter needs to assume the ethical responsibility for the effect that her/his choice of an interpretation has for people in her/his narrow or broader context. Far from promoting a naïve relativism Patte advocates critically engaged interpretations that acknowledge the cultural and ethical value of interpretations.Selected bibliography
- L'Athéisme d'un Chrétien ou un Chrétien à l'écoute de Sartre. Nouvelles Editions Latines: Paris, 1965.
- Early Jewish Hermeneutic in Palestine. Missoula: Scholars Press. 1975.
- What Is Structural Exegesis? Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1975.
- Structural Exegesis from Theory to Practice. Exegesis of Mark 15 and 16. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1978.
- Pour une exégèse structurale. Paris: Le Seuil, 1978.
- Paul's Faith and the Power of the Gospel. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1983.
- Paulo, Sua Fé e a Força do Evangelo. São Paulo: Ediçoes Paulinas. 1987.
- Paul, Sa Foi, et la Puissance de l'Evangile. Paris: Le Cerf, 1985.
- Preaching Paul. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1984.
- The Gospel according to Matthew: A Structural Commentary on Matthew's Faith. Philadelphia: Fortress Press. 1987.
- Structural Exegesis for New Testament Critics. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. 1990.
- The Religious Dimensions of Biblical Texts: Greimas's Structural Semiotics and Biblical Exegesis. Semeia Studies Series. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 1990.
- Ethics of Biblical Interpretation: A Reevaluation. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 1995.
- Discipleship According to the Sermon on the Mount: Four Legitimate Readings, Four Plausible Views of Discipleship, and Their Relative Values. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International. 1996.
- The Challenge of Discipleship: A Critical Study of the Sermon on the Mount as Scripture. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 1999.
- The Gospel of Matthew: A Contextual Introduction for Group Study.. Nashville: Abingdon. 2003.
- Romans: Three Exegetical Interpretations and the History of Reception. Volume 1: Romans 1:1-32. London, New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark. 2018.
Edited books
- Reading Israel in Romans: Legitimacy and Plausibility of Divergent Interpretations., Romans Through History and Cultures Series Vol. 1. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2000; re-printed, London & New York: T & T Clark International.
- Engaging Augustine on Romans: Self, Context, and Theology in Interpretation. Romans Through History and Cultures Series, Vol. 2. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2002; re-printed, London & New York: T & T Clark International.
- Gender, Tradition and Romans. Shared Ground, Uncertain Borders. Vol. 5, Romans Through History and Cultures. London & New York: T & T Clark International, 2005.
- The Greek Fathers' and Eastern Orthodox Interpretations of Romans. Vol. 9, Romans Through History and Cultures. London & New York: T & T Clark International, 2005.
- Modern Interpretations of Romans Romans Through History and Cultures. Vol, 10, Romans Through History and Cultures, London & New York: T & T Clark International, .
- A Global Biblical Commentary. Nashville: Abingdon, 2004.
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Cambridge, U.K. and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.