Daniela Arbex

Daniela Arbex is a prestiged Brazilian journalist and writer, known by non-fictional books about human rights abuses.


Having earned a degree in Communications by Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Arbex began her career in Brazilian newspaper Tribuna de Minas in 1995, where remains employed as a special reporter until today.
In spite of being employed in a city quite smaller when compared to southeastern metropolis like São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, she still managed to gain prestige as an investigative reporter, mostly after authoring "Cova 312" series, published in 2002, where she searched for the tombstone of urban guerilla member Milton Soares de Castro, a prisoner during the Brazilian Military Government whose status was unknown. Due to her achievements, she was rewarded with Esso Awards and received honorary mentions on Prêmio Vladimir Herzog and Prêmio Lorenzo Natali.
In 2010, another coverage for Tribuna de Minas about Brazilian SUS's inefficiency rewarded her with the Knight International Journalism Award.
In 2013 and 2014, she released "O Holocausto Brasileiro" in Brazil and Portugal respectively. The book reveals about the Genocide of Barbacena, where over 60.000 people perished inside the wardens of a mental asylum, known as Hospital Colônia de Barbacena in Minas Gerais.
She currently resides in Juiz de Fora, with her husband Marcos and son, Diego.
